Designing the homescreen

How can I make a good appealing and clear home screen for our game?


I started with Available product analysis I downloaded a couple of trending games from the Google Play Store. And did some research on how they created these home screens.

I noticed that all the games have first a splash screen of their logo, or the company logo. And afterwards they show a loading screen. When the game is loaded we can see a home screen. The most games have a Play button and a settings button. Allot of stuff is hided behind the settings button.  I also noticed a theme music on most of the home screens.

A lot of these games also have some kind of a connect to Facebook button. What also is worth mentioning is that all of these home screen fit in the main style of the game.

I then did Literature study and came across a website in which they explain about different phone screen ratios. And why it’s important to keep in mind these different ratios. They also explain on how to do this. I searched for different ratios for different devices. And I created a file in which al these ratios come together.

After doing the research I decided to make my own home screen. Which fits our overall game style.


I’ve created the main look for the home screen and all other items and buttons in our game. From here on my teammates could replicate the design to create new assets which we need in the game.



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