Industry Project Kick Off

Research strategies and methods used:

Industry project kick-off

We kicked this week off with a presentation of an external client. The client is an insurance company. In short, the problem they have is that a lot of fire damage is caused by human actions. That’s why they want us to make a game which will teach the users how to prevent fire.

After the presentation we wrote a debriefing and send this to the client. We did a brainstorming session about the game concept and documented this. And wrote an design challenge document together.

After this we focused on the research question and the sub questions. We came up with the following questions:

Main Questions:
How can monetary damage in fire incidents be limited?

Sub questions:
  1. What are the most common causes of fire?
  2. How can you apply technology to educate people about fire prevention?
  3. How can information be made educational, interactive and fun?
  4. What is already available for information about fire prevention?
  5. How can you ensure that a solution is actually used?
  6. What are the bottlenecks within the catering industry when it comes to fire safety?
Every team member took one question to do the research. I’ve got the second one. How can you apply technology to educate people about fire prevention?

I started my research with looking for existing applications and solutions. I came across a couple of websites which educate people about this subject. The websites got a lot of text and some of them got videos or presentations. But I couldn’t find any interactive solution for this problem.

After researching the existing applications I started brainstorming about the possible technologies. And came to the conclusion that the existing solutions are certainly informative, but can be very boring. An interactive application could give people more awareness of the consequences of certain actions.

I added my results inside the main document and this has helped us in the process of answering our main question. 


Webiste for information and products

Website with information and a video presentation

A very informative website with text and video demonstrations


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